Im So Happy ^_^

12 May

Lately I’ve noticed that Im usually happy for no reason in particular. Im just really happy…and its ODD.

I mean, you’d think I was in-love or something. I dance around the kitchen and feel happy to hear the birds chirping outside. When I ask myself why Im so happy Im a little stumped.

I think Layla brings a WHOLE CHUNK of happiness into my life. I never knew a baby could do that. I guess thats why some people want kids so bad? hmm I dont know, but she sure makes me laugh and smile with joy every day.

Im also happy that Im doing financially well again. Thats a big one. Being a single mom, I know I could have it so much harder, but thanks to my dad Im able to save on rent, utilities, food and daycare. The only thing I buy is diapers. My dad even bought me a huge box of baby wipes during his last trip to Costco (I’ll be good for a few months with that huge box!) He said next time he’ll get me a big pack of batteries for the baby swings (I keep one at the office and one at home.)

I feel a HUGE weight off my shoulders thanks to my dad. Thanks to him me and my little girl are ok. That is a big part of my happiness I think. I mean, I couldn’t imagine being happy if I was still struggling the way I was before.

Well today my little chunkster is 12 weeks old! She has started teething so I ordered the amber necklace off amazon (I got the honey one) and I also ordered the hyland homeopathic teething tablets. Both things have great reviews so Im crossing my fingers.

I LOVE bonnets with matching dresses! I got her this one at TJ Maxx.

My friend saw Layla today and said she loved her little dress, and I quickly raised it up and said, “And she has the matching underwear too!” My friend started laughing and said, “Right, because when our underwear matches we have to raise our dress and show everyone !” She pretended to raise her dress jokingly. We both started laughing — she cracks me up. She doesn’t have any kids and she used to say she didn’t like kids (I used to say I didn’t want kids) but now I have one and shes always carrying my friends baby or mine and she changes poop explosions with no problem (she seriously would be a great nurse!) Funny how things change sometimes.

With Layla getting bigger and all I decided I needed to start looking for a Jumperoo for her. Well guess what? I found one on craigslist for such a great deal!! Its the rain forest jumperoo. Its $100 at Wal-mart. Im getting it for $35. Its clean, nothings broken or missing, and its gently used. SCORE.

Maybe some parents feel weird about getting anything used for there kids and thats ok if you have the money to buy everything new. But I dont mind doing a little washing and disinfecting. Honestly I think having a baby doesn’t have to be expensive. I think its just up to the parent, and how much they’re willing to spend.

They tell me kids get more expensive as they grow older. particularly when they learn to talk and ask for things. And when they play on their knees, and rip their jeans and scuff their shoes. I know I will buy Layla lots of clothes and toys but I’ll just do it the way I’ve been doing it: I buy things on clearance or at bargain prices.

Well, Its Sunday and I have alot of mommy duties calling my name. Have a great great Sunday wherever you’re at! ^_^

2 Responses to “Im So Happy ^_^”

  1. incorruptiblelove May 24, 2013 at 6:05 pm #

    Buying used is great! And babies don’t use things for very long because they change so dramatically in the first year so why pay full price! And grandma and grandpa’s are great too! I’m not a single mom but I still need my parents for support!! Sounds like you are doing a great job 🙂

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